I have to say, I've had a relatively easy time with this pregnancy so far - in the first trimester I only lost my dinner once or twice, I haven't been gaining weight at an alarming rate, I'm still sleeping on my stomach (God bless the creator of the Tempurpedic (and my extremely generous in-laws for gifting us with one)), and I haven't really had to change my diet at all (nightly chocolate chip cookies are good for the baby, right?). However, although I haven't really had any of the typical complaints, the first trimester was pretty tough on me because I was so so so incredibly TIRED. Like zero energy, would fall asleep in the middle of sentences (...in the middle of sessions, twice), could barely brush my teeth before getting into bed kind of tired. And I was also incredibly moody. Poor Sean, he'd usually get the brunt of it. I'd find myself enraged with him and he would have to patiently refute me as I stated all of what I believed to be completely justified reasons for having such rage. Slowly during this process I would start to feel as if I was having an outer body experience where the outer me could see that I was not in fact mad at him at all but the inner me would continue to hold strong. This too was exhausting as it usually would end in me hysterically sobbing (which to Sean was likely worse than the rage), wailing, "I don't know what is wrong with me!!!"It truly felt like I was momentarily possessed.

Hows this for contrast: a bumblebee flying over the canyon
We went for an almost sunset hike which was much more successful than our Zion hike days later.
Caught in the act taking selflies, below is the result:

So yeah, thats' that. Until next time!
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