Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day

We're snowed in today and it feels wonderful.

It also feels like the perfect time to catch up on some blogging. There hasn't been much time for very much lately, and unfortunately this little blog has suffered the consequence.

Despite how busy life has been lately, I have really loved being back at work. Yes, its hard to leave Lola and I do wish I had a few more hours each day with her but so far its been manageable. That being said, come Friday I am itching for a full day with her and I'm definitely living for my weekends now. And oh how sweet the weekends are!

It really helps that so far I really like my job. I feel really lucky to have a full-time, permanent position. The fact that there are only 6 of us psychologists and that thats quite a lot of psychologists for one centre makes me even more grateful that I got one of of those positions and its alllllllllll mine for as long as I like. Its so motivating. And when that feeling wares off...well, maybe then it will be time to start thinking about a year long mat leave. Cuz thats why you have more babies, right?

Usually our days go like this: I wake up around 6:30 and get myself ready for the day. Then, I wake Lola up (yup, she's usually still sleeping, thats our girl!) let her stretch for a minute (the cutest thing ever) and change her diaper. Then Lola feeds while I simultaneously pump a bottle for her next feeding. While I get my coffee and my work stuff, Lola usually hangs out on her play mat smiling and squealing as she  grabs her toys. Then I kiss her goodbye (a million times) and off I go.

When I get back from work around 5:15 things get pretty hectic as between feedings and making dinner and often not being able to put Lola down, it feels a bit like being swept up in a tornado. Lola is still cluster feeding in the evenings which exhausts me. Since its what gets her through the night and affords us uninterrupted sleep, its so worth it but sometimes I do get overwhelmed. Theres just so much to get done when I get home and then throw in two feedings before her bedtime routine gets started (which includes another feeding), well you can bet I've been pretty much asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow when all is said and done!

Lola has been adjusting beautifully to all these major life changes. I'm so proud of her, she really is such a resilient, laid-back, incredible little girl. Of course there have been a few minor bumps in the road - for example shes having A LOT of trouble with naps lately - but shes as happy as ever and thats whats most important to me.

It helped sooooooooo much to have Karen and George here for the first three weeks. I don't want to get into it too much because I'll just get too sad detailing what its like to have someone else care for your baby so I'll just leave it at this: no one can make Lola smile quite like her PopPop (its the sweetest smile, like a shy little sly smile) and Karen has been added to the VERY exclusive list of people who can hold Lola without her crying - this in of itself goes to show just how great they were at taking care of our little girl. Oh and did I mention George painted our entire first floor? THE ENTIRE FIRST FLOOR.

Alright I think I'll leave it at that today. Sean just got home, time to spend some rare time all together just the four of us!


  1. ok so that first picture is just incredible. She is SO pretty! Those eyes!
    I'm so happy that you and Lola have adjusted so well to your new routine - it sounds balanced and healthy for everyone. You and Sean are doing such a great job.
    ps: Zac just came over to look at the pictures of Lola and asked "visit soon?". We really want to! xoxo

  2. I 100% agree with everything Vanessa said! She is so incredibly precious, and the fact that she's adjusting so well speaks wonders for how well you've been doing with your routines. So happy to hear you're enjoying work! Miss you, Cap'n! ;)
