The answer soon became obvious: get blogging.
I primarily created this as a way to keep you all updated on all things baby Bailey but I figured I'd likely be unable to stop myself there. So, I'm thinking this will be a place to get all the goods on the baby but it will also serve as a place for me to document this crazy process. There is so much weird, interesting, thought-provoking, anxiety-inducing, happy, exciting, confusing, incredible things that have happened to us since we saw those two little pink lines appear not so long ago and I suddenly have an intense need to remember it all. Also I take a ton of pictures and typically do nothing with them, thus perhaps I will dump them here too cuz, well, why not.
So, come on by to catch up on the latest (ultrasound pics, news from the doctors, any new developments, etc) or to humour me by reading what I'm sure will be nonesensicle, stream of conscious writing - whatever works for you. If you stick with it for the next 5 months, you shall be rewarded with a shower of baby pictures, which I imagine will be numbering in quantities higher than you might have thought humanly possible (must learn to curb this habit now!!).
DISCLAIMER: I am terrible with computers and this crazy thing they call the interweb so bare with me. Hopefully I'll get into the groove eventually... until then, please mind the possible layout difficulties, less than attractive look, and general disorganization.
xo natalie (with baby B sending love too, in the form of kicks from within)
Well done, Natalie! Dad and I are looking forward to hearing about all your adventures with our little bean, grandkid-to-be. Happy Blogging! Love you, Mom.