Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On the Menu for This Week: A Southwest Roadie

Just wanted to drop in quick to say that Sean and I are off once again, this time to the Southwest for what we have been calling The AMERICA's NATURAL WONDERS TOUR (all caps necessary - also necessary to emphasize each word with a hand movement that suggests you're placing each one on some sort of billboard). Tomorrow we fly to El Paso, TX where we will stay for approximately enough time to rent a car and get the hell outta there. First stop is White Sands, NM where I will marvel at the amazing landscape while sulking that sandboarding is out of the question.

I may blog from the road but as I'm not bringing my computer they'll likely be pictureless posts, unfortunately. However, spending hours looking out of windows while marveling at amazing earthscapes may put me in the mood for some reflective writing so if there is time, I'll definitely make this blog a priority. But who knows how things will go. I'm thinking that hours of driving combined with hiking and long walks in the desert sun may make me a wee bit exhausted and in that case, I'll be back here with lots of updates next week (likely Thursday or Friday).

Until then, hope everyone is wonderful wherever you may be in the world!

xo natalie

1 comment:

  1. I am beyond jealous! Have an awesome time!!!
