Wednesday, June 11, 2014

~Six Months~

Well we are six months, or 24 weeks, in and my belly is seemingly growing by the minute. Here is the current state of affairs: 

A week and a half ago in Utah, after sitting poolside (deserted poolside, thank God) in a bikini I suddenly realized just how big I've gotten. I said to Sean, "I know I say this all the time, but I've totally gotten more pregnant all of a sudden." I knew this time I wasn't imagining things as Sean actually agreed with me and said that he had been thinking the very same thing. Little girl Bailey is officially making her presence physically known! 

Originally, the black tank was for the purpose of continuity and comparisons month to month but honestly, lately its more about concealing the bigness of the belly (or at least making it slightly more flattering). But I thought maayyybbeeee I'll be brave tonight and post what it really and truly looks like. Though not so brave that I don't want to hide it just a bit. So, if curious, you can check it out after the jump (Ha! I just said "after the jump"! That is SUCH blogger-talk!). 

Here it is:

Big, right? Imagine in another 16 weeks (FOUR MONTHS) from now?! I suddenly have a strong need to go bathe myself in cocco butter! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Bump pictures! You look great!! So stunning! xoxo
