Monday, September 22, 2014

So Much To Celebrate

Wow I've been very neglectful of this little blog. My sincerest apologies to any of you out there who are still checking in. Its been just a bit hectic and there hasn't been all that much time for writing and picture downloading and uploading etc etc. Mostly because I'm just so damn slow at it (as is my ancient computer who likes to freeze approximately every three minutes).

But its not just that, theres been A LOT of happy, exciting things going on too keeping us busy. One huge thing thats taken up most of our time - we moved into our new house! Call it the nesting instinct (or just call it what it more likely was: my typical insanity) but as of yesterday we are almost completely unpacked...and we only moved in one week ago! Not an inch of decoration to be seen but if baby girl decides to come now, I feel least in terms of knowing where things are. Probably only in terms of knowing where things are, actually. I'm not sure I feel ready in any other way whatsoever! But perhaps thats a whole 'nother post altogether!

ANYWAY, besides the excitement of settling into our new home, there has also been a lot of celebrating happening. First, there was Kathryn's bridal shower -
Kathryn and Jonathan are getting married October 4th, a mere four days after our little one is set to arrive. Its been kind of weird to have all these celebrations like her shower and her bachelorette (see tomorrow for pics!) to countdown towards the big day as it just makes me so aware of the timing of our big day too! I go back and forth with whether I think I'll be holding a baby in my arms or in my belly during it... Either way, its been so great to have Kathryn's wedding to look forward to and so nice to get to see the Oakville girls so regularly during all the parties. Its great to be home again :)

Theres also another very special wedding coming up: Kate & Jason's next July. Though its still early for showers and bachelorettes for this particular event, a few weeks ago we got to celebrate what will be with their engagement party:

Unfortch, this is the only picture I have from their lovely party... it doesn't do it or them justice at all. They make a gorgeous couple and never more than on this night. I am SO excited for all that is coming in the next 10 months as we head towards their July, 2015 wedding day!! 

And then, there was my SECOND baby shower. It was such a beautiful day with the sun shining brightly even though it was supposed to rain all weekend and tons of friends and family dressed up nicely enjoying the last moments of summer. Mom did such an amazing job with everything, it looked absolutely incredible (thanks Nicole for all of the following pictures!!). 
The details were amazing. Since Sean and I ended up loving a lot of elephant details for the nursery, and since theres a lot of grey in her room, mom went all out for the shower getting elephant everything and making sure everything was pink and grey. 

And how incredible is that cake?! Notice the baby bump on it?

I also loved the reppin of my daughter's dual citizenship:

Now she's ready for the 4th of July AND Canada Day. She's also ready for Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and any other "Day" you could possibly think of thanks to her family, especially her grandmothers. I really should take a picture of the gigantic mountain of clothes we have for her thanks to them!

I typically feel quite awkward and uncomfortable being the reason for a party but it turns out baby showers are not so bad. Everyone is way more excited about the baby rather than you which is perfect for me! Its so cool to see just how much love this baby already has in her life. It felt so genuine. I really loved every moment of this day.

my beautiful McGill girlies 

The absolute best part though would have to be spending the entire weekend at home with 16 of my family members! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning under the same roof as so many people that I love. It was SUCH a great time.

We ate outside under the tent once the shower attendees had gone, we swam in the pool together (with Charlie anxiously keeping guard), everyone got acquainted with our baby girl's active little feet, and as usual, Zac's cuteness stole the show. I mean, come ON!

And I got some great quality time in with these beautiful girls. Is there anything better than family??

Since this magical day there has been so much on my mind baby-wise but its getting late and my birthday boy hubby is actually requesting we head to sleep well before Monday night football has wrapped up, so I know he must reeeaallllyyyy be tired. Since we have an OB appointment early in the AM, I'm headed off with him to catch some Zs too. So, I'll be back tomorrow with more, I promise. That is, unless our little lady decides tonight is the night she starts making her way into the world... After all, in one hour I'll be exactly 39 weeks!

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