Saturday, May 16, 2015

Seven Months (Like a month ago...)

Ohh its been SO long since I’ve posted anything. I feel terrible about this always. You see, I finally broke down and realized that yes it is finally time for a new computer. Of course, even though I’m finally read, the universe, I guess, is not ready for me to have one. There has been much waiting and many hiccups and unfortunately it looks like it’ll still likely be a good month before my state of affairs changes.

Honestly, I would be blogging so much more if everything didn’t take so LONG. It takes a solid 15 minutes before computer even recognizes my camera, another 5 at least to upload a handful of pics, and a million more hours if I want to try to edit them in the slightest. Its also stopped reading my iPhone altogether so I have to email myself pictures I want to blog. Which would be fine except that I can’t open gmail if any other window is open or any other program is running . Its not an impossible task (obviously, as you are currently viewing pictures I emailed to myself) but it certainly is a long process.

And in that life has been incredibly busy lately. Perhaps that’s where I should get started.

Lola turned 7 months old on April 24th and wow does it feel like we’ve entered into a new phase. I can hardly remember what she was like as a newborn and I can almost catch glimpses of what she might be like as a child. Its wild.

Normally its all about Lola’s changes and her development, but this past month, it seems like both of us have been changing. For example, about one week before her 7 month birthday I stopped breastfeeding entirely. Months ago when thinking about this milestone I had worried that I’d lose something, that maybe we wouldn’t share as close a connection. But I have to say, I don’t feel that in the slightest. Not even a second goes by where I doubt that it was time to stop completely. Now when I give Lola her bottle at night I feel more like I’m choosingto spend that cuddly time with her rather than having to out of necessity. And I love that Sean can put her to bed on some nights all on his own now too. I love that for the both of them.

And I love that for me. Its been quite important for two big reasons. One – I went away for an entire weekend which meant three whole nights where it was just Sean and Lola tackling the bedtime routine together. Two – I started working out again. Sam got me into Barre classes and we joined a studio so now I’m trying to get myself there at least two evenings a week. I used to be weary of spending even more time away from Lola but in reality I only miss out on 15 minutes those nights and I think we can both handle that just fine ;)

It also helps that Lola is continuing to do so well. She makes me feel so at ease and confident that we are doing a good job with her. I mean, its not hard to feel that way when the kid is smiling and giggling all day long. She wakes up smiling and goes to bed smiling. Seriously, she opens her eyes with a smile, coos, and kicks her legs (see video below) and at night it’s the same when we put her down. I truly believe I have become a happier person because of how happy she is. Its infectious.

Ugh there is so much more to write but as I let this post sit for 5 days straight and still didn't manage to add in all the pics I wanted to, I think I'm calling it here.

Update: I ended up getting a new computer today but turns out iPhoto and Aperture are no longer things. Ugh! So while I may be able to blog with a little more frequently given my ability to download from gmail more efficiently, I'm still going to be a little while longer before we're truly back into the swing of things...

1 comment:

  1. Those videos - oh my goodness - so cute!! Gah! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! You guys are amazing! Miss you guys so much! So glad to hear things are going well! Good luck with the new computer!
